And? It's working.
Every little change I make is leading to new changes. I have more energy. I'm doing more. Procrastination is a dwindling issue.

And the best part?
The husband is now joining me.
I'm not really the nagging type. "Gee, Husband, I'd love for you to eat fruits and veggies with me and lower your cholesterol" and other such nonsense is not often spoken from my lips. I find pressure has the opposite effect of what is generally intended.
Besides, I know change is contagious.
And so, today, he went to the gym. He found a calorie counter app to use on his phone. He made a healthy dinner of chicken with sun-dried tomatoes. He's totally motivated. And whether it lasts as long as he intends it to, doesn't matter to me at this point. I'm just happy that in this moment, he's making a conscious effort to be a little bit healthier. I feel like my changes have given him a little more incentive to take some challenges on himself.
File today under: Win.